Thursday, November 13, 2008

100 things about ME...

This has serious potential to be a very boring post. I've seen this on a few blogs and thought I'd try it out. Plus, I'm bored and don't want to clean the house at the moment. I'm not sure if I can come up with 100 things about myself, but we'll see. I'll throw a few in about my family also. They're kind of important too.

1. I was born almost 8 weeks early and weighed around 5 pounds.

2. I love cereal, and could easily eat it for 3 meals a day.

3. The only time I've lived outside of Salt Lake City was when I went to school in Jerusalem.

4. I got my degree in Recreational Therapy (yes, that is a degree), but if I were to do it again, I would probably go into Accounting or Human Resources.

5. I am terrified of heights.

6. I cannot do the dishes without rubber gloves on. Even if it's just a few. If something happens to my rubber gloves, I will leave dishes in the sink until I go to the store and get gloves.

7. Once, I had a job where I had to ask a mother if she knew that her barely-deceased 19-year-old son had his "area" pierced with a tattoo that said "porn star" above it. She didn't. It was an awkward conversation.

8. I just asked Bryan for another word for "area" and he came up with about 10 right off the top of his head. "Area" seems to be most appropriate.

9. Kevin was born with a cleft lip and had surgery at 3 weeks. His poor hands were tied to his diaper for 8 weeks after that so he wouldn't touch his face.

10. Trey cried almost his entire first year of life. Stopping only to sleep and eat. Consequently, I also cried most of his first year of life.

11. Bryan writes really great poetry but hasn't written anything in a really long time. I'm thinking I don't inspire him anymore.

12. I have more hair than any two people should be allowed to have. I am always trying to find ways to make it look like I have less hair.

13. I can type really fast.

14. I have carpal tunnel syndrome.

15. I used to be kind of a daredevil. Now I am a major wimp. A few years ago at Lake Powell, it took me 20 minutes to jump off a 12 foot cliff.

16. I grew up with a boat. Sadly, I still cannot slalom ski. I can double ski. Sometimes, I can get up on a wakeboard.

17. I tried an air chair at Lake Powell a while ago and it was the funnest thing I've ever done on a boat. And I only stayed up for 7 seconds.

18. I really want to learn how to air chair.

19. I'm not very coordinated. Or so I've been told.

20. When I was about 20, I tried to do a backwards somersault down the stairs. I couldn't. I slid down the length of the stairs upside down and on my back. Major rug burn. I still have a scar.

21. I loved high school. My senior year was my favorite.

22. I could not go to any dances my sophmore year because I was not 16 at the time.

23. My sister and I have totally opposite personalities.

24. One day, I would like a jeep wrangler. Preferably yellow. And automatic. (I know, I know, it defeats the purpose).

25. I can't drive a stick-shift. Too much to think about at one time for me.

26. Bryan is almost always the first to apologize when we have an argument.

27. Bryan has kissed way more people than I have.

28. I'm okay with that. My kisses meant more.

29. No matter what I am eating, I always leave one bite on my plate. I don't know why. It drives Bryan nuts.

30. I have great in-laws. I'm pretty sure Bryan thinks he has great in-laws too.

31. I love to read. I love political fiction books, mysteries - all kinds of books really.

32. I always fall asleep on road trips.

33. I love to go fishing. Bryan needs to learn to fish.

34. I really want to learn how to like running. I think it's boring. I need a treadmill in front of my television. Then I would run more.

35. I also really want to learn how to like vegetables. I hate most of them. Especially tomatoes.

36. Bryan was my date for my first dance in high school - Homecoming my junior year. I still have the corsage.

37. I tried really hard not to like Bryan when he came home from his mission. I told myself over and over that I would not even go out with him. It didn't work very well. He sucked me in.

38. Bryan and I only dated for 3 weeks before we were engaged. I don't know what we were thinking.

39. We did know each other in high school though.

40. We also lived in the same ward growing up.

41. Kevin has taught me more about ocean animals than I ever thought I would know. He can look at a shark and tell you what kind it is, how dangerous it is and whatever else you don't care to know. It's awesome.

42. When Trey was an infant, I really thought his purpose on this earth was to test me for the rest of my life. I am glad that I didn't give him away when I was tempted. Now, he is the sweetest little boy and I can't imagine life without him.

43. I love having boys. I wouldn't know what to do with a girl.

44. Bryan gives great shoulder massages.

44. I hate wearing a bra.

45. My favorite foods are my grandma's tacos, my grandma's roast and mashed potatoes, and chocolate.

46. The first roast I ever made, we both took one bite and threw it away. It was awful. I'm not even sure I bit into it. I might have just looked at it.

47. I love 80's rock bands like Aerosmith, Guns N Roses, Poison...

48. I used to love scary movies. Now I hate them. "Scream" was on the other day and I tried to watch it, but I had to keep changing the channel at the scary parts.

49. If anyone ever came to my door with a "Scream" mask on and it wasn't Halloween, I would hurt them without waiting to find out if it was a joke.

50. If somebody broke into my house and I was home, I would not hesitate to shoot (if I had a gun).

51. I hate shows when a woman is being attacked and she finally hurts the guy but then runs away too soon. He always gets back up and gets her. I would stay there and hurt him some more while he was down. Kick him in the face a few more times. Stab him in a vital organ. Shoot him again. Something like that. He would not be getting back up.

52. I believe in the death penalty.

53. I really am a nice person.

54. I like getting dirty and doing projects around the house. I could totally be a handyman if I put my mind to it.

55. I installed our bathroom light fixture - figured out the wires and didn't get electrocuted.

56. I painted and cut all the baseboards for our living room one day while Bryan was at work. I had a lot of fun with the miter saw and learned a few things about geometry. (Don't tell Bryan this, but they're the best looking baseboards in the house).

57. Bryan has gotten really good at painting our house. I keep changing colors. He's doing the basement next.

58. Bryan can paint walls without needing any tape. He has a very steady hand.

59. The night before 9-11 happened, I had a really weird feeling that something very bad was going to happen the next morning. It was creepy.

60. I once got kicked out and banned from a laundromat. (It was a classy place). The owner didn't speak a lot of English, but the reasons seemed to include a condom on the floor (not mine), a stolen quarter (again, not me) and something about "you people." Whatever that means.

61. I don't use shampoo on my hair.

62. My hair is clean.

63. I desperately want a king-sized bed. Bryan is too tall and hogs my side.

64. My boys are great sleepers. Long naps and 11-12 hours of sleep every night.

65. I have a little bit of OCD when it comes to cleaning my house. For example, if something gets spilled on my kitchen floor, I hate to clean just that spot because that spot will be just a little cleaner than the rest. So then I want to clean the entire kitchen floor. Then I have to clean the rest of the floors in the house because if not, it would be uneven. But I don't want to do the floors without dusting the furniture first, because dust might fall on the clean floor. You see the dilemma. So, my house is either really clean or really messy.

66. I can't stand the smell of catsup if it has been on a plate for longer than 30 minutes.

67. When I was pregnant with Kevin, we were at a Utah basketball game and Swoop, the mascot, came up to us, called Bryan and I by name and started talking to us. To this day, we don't know who it was. Any ideas?

68. I love my job. I can do most of it in my pajamas.

69. Planning parties stresses me out big time. Even if it's just a little party.

70. I love, love, love being a mom. Especially to two boys.

71. Kevin and Trey are very good friends. Their personalities are totally opposite.

72. Bryan is an awesome dad. The boys laugh with him way more than they laugh with me.

73. I almost forgot to pick up carpool the other day. I forgot once last year.

74. In sixth grade, nobody at school could beat me in tether ball, except for one of my best friends. Bryan doesn't believe that, but it's true.

75. I have a problem with calling people names when I am driving. Like the grandpa I was behind yesterday driving 15 in a 30, and the idiot behind me who was a foot away from my bumper. Like I could go anywhere.

76. I have been in love once before Bryan.

77. I have very vivid dreams.

78. I have a lot of recurring dreams. One is that I am in high school and I can't remember my locker combo, can't remember my class schedule, forget all of my History assignments, and fail Gym. It's a stressful dream.

79. When I was in college, I thought about joining the ROTC or the Peace Corps.

80. Once I was in an airplane that was struck by lightening.

81. I cannot edge our lawn. I tried it a few times last year and it looked like Freddy took a chain saw to it. I have since been banned.

82. My favorite band is U2, but I have never been to a concert. Next time they are in town, I am going no matter how expensive the tickets are.

83. I hate mushrooms. My brother-in-law once offered me $50 if I would eat a stuffed mushroom. I tried and failed big time.

84. I used to be able to read in the car on road trips. Now I get major motion sickness.

85. I can still do a backbend.

86. I hate watching sports on TV. Unfortunately, Bryan loves it.

87. A few years ago, Bryan tried to do a double front flip off a high-dive. He over-rotated and got a bloody nose. The next day he had two black eyes.

88. When I was in ninth grade, I broke my nose into many pieces. I had two black eyes for about a month. I got teased forever about that.

89. I wish I could sew as good as my mom. She's an awesome seamstress.

90. The two times that Kevin has been in the emergency room have been caused by his dad.

91. Bryan is no longer allowed to swing our boys by the forearms or send them down the stairs in cardboard boxes.

92. Before I had kids, I never needed an alarm clock. I would think about what time I needed to wake up the next morning, and I would always wake up exactly three minutes before that time.

93. My last semester of college, I worked 30 hours a week at my normal job, 30 hours a week at my internship and took 12 credit hours of class. I saw Bryan in bed between midnight and 5AM.

94. Bryan didn't work his last semester of college. I was his sugar mama.

95. One of my pet peeves is when people take 11 items in the "10 item" checkout line. I always count to make sure I don't go over.

96. I think my fingers look like witch fingers.

97. No matter how hot I am, I have to have a blanket over me when I sleep. I can't sleep without one.

98. I am terrible at bowling. But I just found out that bowling balls are made for right-handed people. Really, they are. I knew it had to be the ball and not me.

99. I am left-handed.

100. Feet are my favorite part of my babies. They are my favorite part up until they turn about four, then they turn into stinky boy feet. Trey is almost at the stinky-boy-feet stage, but not yet. I still kiss them all the time.


Markalie said...

I am curious who beat you at Teather ball? I remember playing that with you, Tori, and Jessica. I never remember winning or losing which is weird because I am so competetive. I am very impressed you only lost once thought. Good work!

Jessica said...

I love reading those, I never could come up with 100 things though~ My question to you, what do you use to wash your hair if not shampoo?

DeDe said...

love it! :-) again, i may have to copy! :-)

Leslie said...

Jamie, I love, love your blog. Not only did I learn some things about you but you are so clever!! I especially liked the comment that you have great in-laws. Funny, your mother-in-law feels the same way. We're so lucky!!
Thanks for being such a good wife and mom. LOL, Leslie

Mer said...

It's harder than you would think to come up with 100 things about yourself, huh! I loved reading yours, but I think you should have included HOW you broke your nose in 9th grade. :) Dang brother...

Julia said...

Jamie- You are a great writer! I, too, have dreams ALL the time about being back at Murray High and forgetting my class schedule and locker combination.